The Bible is exciting!

From 2/2/2020

“My son, if you receive my words, And treasure my commands within you, So that you incline your ear to wisdom, And apply your heart to understanding; Yes, if you cry out for discernment, And lift up your voice for understanding, If you seek her as silver, And search for her as for hidden treasures; Then you will understand the fear of the LORD, And find the knowledge of God.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭2:1-5‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

The Bible is exciting!

I remember lying on my back at the Mayo Clinic in 2004. I had a tumor that had cracked through my third vertebrae and was pinching my spinal cord.

As I prepared to go to the hospital, I made sure I had my Bible. On a morning in the hospital, I encountered the passage above. It went through my mind like a bolt of lightning. I learned that if I sought to understand the word of God, He would help me.

I reminisced about the other things that I had studied and given my time and energy to as I sought to know as much as a could. I made scarified to get the knowledge I so coveted. I put aside other things and made the focus my attention the priority. Whether it be computers, or collecting books, I focused everything on the pursuit.

I was not giving that attention to the Scriptures. Suddenly I had a hunger, desire to open my bible daily and see what God had for me. In the midst of the stormy sea that was my life, I clung to my Bible like a life preserver.

As I paid full attention to my bible, it began to make sense to me, more over, it began to change my life as the Holy Spirit moved the words from my head to my heart. My time with my bible became a time of great enrichment as I spent entire days studying. As I marked up my bible it was marking my heart. The whole experience transformed my life.

So many view the Bible as confusing and struggle to apply it to daily life. They see it as making relevance as our world careens to points unknown. As I have studied I marvel at how relevant it really is.

The key is to search for God’s wisdom as if searching for hidden treasure. If I told you I hid a gold coin in your house, you would tear the house apart looking for it. Oh to have such a desire for the knowledge of God!

Having trouble, ask God to reveal to you the “hidden treasure “ and seek His wisdom as silver. You will never be the same again! You will see as God does.

One of the greatest ironies is that Adam and Eve fell because they ate from tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. They were seeking to be like God. In Christ the Holy Spirit gives us who believe the mind of Christ. We have access to the word of God and understanding freely given.

Don’t take you bible for granted today. Read it!

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